
The Services of Hallr:

  • IT-consultancy: 
    Hallr provides expert advice about IT strategy, system architecture, technology choices and digitalization upon your request where the focus will be on achieving your goals.
  • Network and infrastructure Engineering:
    Hallr helps, or relieves you completely, in designing, implementing and managing data networks, servers, cloud infrastructure and datacenters.
  • IT-Support:
    Hallr provides your organization the ability to purchase the support required by your organization. This can apply to technical support for projects, troubleshooting current problems as well as maintenance for hardware, software and networks.
  • IT-Security:
    Hallr supports and initiates the implementation of security solutions, such as firewalls, antivirus software, security audits and penetration testing. People’s awareness in the organization is very important in this context.
  • Data Management:
    Hallr has the knowledge to collect, store and properly interpret data. This helps to extract valuable insights to support business decision-making
  • Cloud:
    Hallr supplies cloud-based solutions, such as cloud storage, cloud hosting and cloud redundancy.
  • IT Project Management:
    Hallr has the knowledge and expertise to take over an IT project from you in its entirety, or partially as required, including planning, coordinating, budgeting, resource management and installation.
  • Training and Education:
    Hallr staff enjoys sharing their knowledge, which is why training and/or education are among the possibilities in a wide range of areas.
  • Sales Hardware and Software:
    Hallr cooperates intensively with partners including some distributors. The purchase and sale of hardware and software can therefore be taken over entirely by Hallr, but Hallr does not focus specifically on the supply of Hardware and Software.

The abovementioned list of services provided by Hallr is an overview of what Hallr can do for you. Due to the large amount of variation in the IT environment, it is not unlikely that you have a question/idea that is not included in this list. If that should be the case, please feel free to contact us anyway. There is certainly a chance that we can help you on this journey and if it is new to us, we certainly have the relationships to help you forward. We believe in strengthening by working with parties?


Hallr’s Mission Statement is: IT should fortify a company and with that, provide opportunities to reach its goals.
We include this Mission Statement in everything we provide. Therefore, are you looking for a professional IT consultancy that puts your organization’s objectives first, contact us.

Our team of IT specialists is experienced in providing result-oriented strategies and advice to help your organization move forward in achieving its objectives. Regardless of the size and impact of the project in which you need advice, our IT specialists will always keep the entire impact on business operations in mind so that unwanted side effects can be eliminated in advance. Whether you run a small business in need of efficient IT processes, or a large company looking for digital transformation, we have the expertise to help you achieve your objectives.

Network and infrastructure Engineering.

Our team of IT specialists are committed to put their extensive knowledge and experience to work to design, set up, install and operate the best Network and Infrastructure solution for you. The team fully understand how critical a rock-solid and reliable network is to the success of your organization and what the impact can be if that is not. Therefore, Hallr’s IT specialists are not only thrilled to design and implement Network and Infrastructure, but they also like to maintain it so they are responsible for its reliability firsthand. Our team of IT specialists, who as a group have over 25 years of experience in a Global Telecom Network, is ready to handle your network and infrastructure questions. We have the expertise and technical knowledge to assist you every step of the way.

Whether you are looking for wired, wireless, cloud-based or hybrid networking solutions and whether this solution is installed internally in your own environment, or in a Datacenter, it doesn’t matter to us. Examples of solutions include:

  • Wired Network -> Design and implementation of a resilient and scalable network including switches, routers, firewalls and cabling.
  • Wireless Network (WiFi) -> Design and implement a robust and scalable network including switches, routers, firewalls and cabling.
  • WAN / VPN -> Wide Area Network and Virtual Private Network. Design and implementation of reliable and secure, resilient, connections between multiple business locations using MPLS, SD-WAN and VPN, among others.
  • Cloud Environment -> Design and implementation of a Virtual IT platform where several combinations can be made, consider the choice between Private, Hybrid or Public Cloud solutions. Implementation of virtualization with e.g. Proxmox or VMware, or a public cloud provider, e.g. Azure or AWS, is part of this.
  • Datacenter/Server Room -> Design and implementation of the site where hardware and network infrastructures are to be placed and connected. This can take place on your own premises or you can also decide to outsource by using a Datacenter.
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity -> These two items must be included in every decision to be made to ensure that, in the event of problems, your organization can get back to its business in the shortest possible time.

Over the years, Hallr has built relationships with a wide range of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and contractors so that we can always rely on experts in each area. We therefore are able to bring in the right partners for each type of project, with whom we have already completed many projects and therefore know what we can and should expect.


Whereas previously every organization employed its own IT department, or at least IT specialist, this is certainly not the case today. The complexity and diversity of the IT environment within each organization today is so wide that it is almost impossible to keep it at a required level. Hallr offers several options to handle these challenges.

  • Project Support -> have an ongoing, or new, project and facing deadlock with your current IT specialist or partner? At Hallr, we are happy to help you add that extra something to successfully complete the project with your current project partners.
  • Legacy problems -> If structural problems occur in the network or hardware and the available expertise is not adequate to find the right solution, we are more than happy to help. In these cases, too, we find it important to do this jointly with the existing partners to ensure knowledge transfer and to help in the long term.
  • Maintenance Hardware, Software and Network -> fully outsourcing the management and maintenance of the IT environment is possible through Hallr. Of a 24/7 service including problem detection to being a sounding board and everything in between is possible.


IT environments constantly evolve and evaluate, and at an increasingly rapid pace. Not only technically but currently also due to the many risks coming from external sources. The security of a network and access to systems is now a requirement. Cybersecurity should be included by standard. We at Hallr understand that data security and protection against outside threats, among other things, are vital to your business, regardless of size and sector.

Effective IT security starts as early as the design stage of an IT project. At that point, these items should already receive appropriate attention to ensure that after implementation no problems can occur. Yet even with appropriate attention at the design stage, the work isn’t completed but just starting. After all, the weakest link in the chain of IT security is still the human being himself, and this factor must be taken into account during the implementation phase. Awareness must be created among users using the right tools so that they learn to correctly deal with the systems and recognize and act upon external threats. A simple example of this would be how to recognize a phishing email as potentially dangerous and act accordingly.

At Hallr, we understand that IT security is not a one-time event. That’s why we provide ongoing monitoring, incident response and regular security audits to keep your security precautions up to date and adapt to the changing threat environment with human factor being priority #1.

Data Management

“Knowledge is power” and data performs a crucial role in this context. With the increasing flow of data available today, it is essential to have a robust and efficient data management system which also meets regulatory and security requirements. On top of that, advanced analysis of this data provides the opportunity to discover valuable insights that can lead to strategic decisions and generate competitive advantage.

Hallr employs specialists in the field of data management who are able to set up a robust and accessible system that enables rapid data processing so that real-time analysis of the data is available at any time. Feel free to contact us for more information and further possibilities.


The Cloud uses shared infrastructure and resources by using virtualization software such as Proxmox or VMWare, for example. By using virtualization, available hardware is used efficiently and IT management is simplified. This enables you to get the most out of your investments.

Depending on your organization’s needs and requirements, there are several different options for the type of Cloud. Basically, there are four types of Cloud solutions available nowadays where the difference is made in the ownership of the hardware.

  • Public Cloud: Hardware and Software are not owned by the organization and mostly shared with other users. Organization does not have to deal with management except for access to the service. The hardware is most often outside the own organization.
  • Private Cloud: Hardware and Software are owned by the own organization and mostly not shared with other users. Management is the own responsibility which often is realized with a partner. The hardware can be placed within the own locations, but it is also possible to have it placed in a Data Center as a Colocation. Access to this hardware is only possible for authorized persons.
  • Hybrid Cloud: This is a combination of the Private, and Public Cloud. The general services and tasks for which a good Public Cloud solution is available are purchased there. The specific services and tasks for which no alternative is available, or is too sensitive to go Public, are hosted in a Private Cloud.
  • Multi Cloud: This variant uses several different Public Cloud providers, possibly combined with a Private Cloud.
Cloud solutions usually provide the following benefits for an organization:
  • Scalable: as the hardware resources are used by multiple processes, it is easy to shift the resources needed by a single process. If more capacity is temporarily needed, this can easily be adjusted.
  • Cost savings: resources can be fully exploited, there will be no idle resources.
  • Flexibility and Accessibility: Users can always access data and applications when they have a connection to the Internet.
  • Reliability and Uptime: The virtualization layer allows hardware failures to be handled in real time without direct impact to users or processes. This also makes it possible to keep systems up-to-date on software and OS without downtime for users and processes.

IT-Project Management

Efficient IT project management is essential for the successful performance of complicated IT projects. Whether it is about implementing new software, upgrading infrastructure or hardware changes, we can help you optimize the process and achieve the best possible results. We can completely take care of the IT project management, but our preference is to work closely together to achieve the best result for your organization. If a cooperation means that parts of the project are handled within your own organization, we welcome that. The more “own initiative” the better the chances are for a successful implementation.

In need of an IT upgrade and lacking the knowledge or capacity internal to complete this successfully due to the current technical complexity of IT, contact us. Hallr’s IT specialists have the knowledge and ability, in partnership with your specialists, to make any project a successful one.

Training and Education

Based on our slogan “Strengthening IT,” we believe in the power of sharing knowledge.
Only by sharing our knowledge we can help you as a business owner further and offer opportunities to achieve your goals. Therefore, we do not stop when an implementation is successfully completed but rather continue to inform and train your organization. Only insight in, and knowledge of, available data and possibilities can help you as a business owner/organization forward.

Hallr’s employees continuously share their knowledge, but it is understandable that in specific cases training or courses are required. Naturally, we are able to offer our knowledge in the form of a training or course so that the expertise within your organization is guaranteed.


As a young company, founded in 2022, Hallr can rely on relationships with manufacturers and distributors that go back many years beyond through their former Work. With suppliers such as Dell, HP, Proxmox, VMware, Microsoft, IBM and Extreme Networks, we have excellent contacts and are frequently updated on the latest developments. We also maintain good contacts with various large and small distributors and can rely on their knowledge and experience. With this mix of parties, we can deal with any IT issue and provide the necessary advice and kit-list support without being brand dependent.

It is not a core business for us to supply hardware or software, but supporting the projects for our customers. From the partnership with our customers, we believe that we should be able to compile and deliver the best kitlist for the customer. This is only possible if this kitlist, after agreement, can also be delivered and implemented. Only then we can jointly use the full potential of the implementation to strengthen your goals.

Curious what Hallr can do for you?

Hallr can help you with many issues but certainly also guide you in the present era where IT developments are booming.
Curious about the possibilities? Just contact us via the button below.

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